Sunday, June 29, 2014

Road Trip

What else to do when you wake up bored in the middle of Missouri?  Take a 2 hour road trip to St. Louis.  Of course, we could have stayed at home and do laundry, clean the house, mow the lawn, etc. but no we, correction I, was getting a little cabin fever and wanted to get out and walk around without having a heat stroke.  Maybe I also wanted to get the new stroller out to test it.  
The verdict is in.  I love this stroller!  It pushes like a dream and little man slept in it a majority of the day.   I have a little blankie behind him in the stroller - why? - I don't know I just feel like it makes it comfier.  According to other momma's, this stroller should last us for a lot of years.  

While moseying along, my parched mouth thought a sample of some free tea outside Teavana would hit the spot. Wow, and was it tasty.  So tasty in fact that I rolled myself in there and purchased the Youthberry White Tea and Wild Orange Blossom Tea combo.  I just had to get the tea infusing pitcher as well.  Thank you parched mouth, you just set us back $85.00.  I thought Chris would stroke out when he saw that, I know I nearly did.  Let's just say I learned my lesson, don't go in Teavana when thirsty.  I plan on savoring every last drop of this stuff.  It better last a looong time.  Here's the first pitcher that cold brewed overnight in the fridge.
Moving of the coolest stores we came across was the Lego Store.  I may be a bit older but I thought this place was awesome.  I am actually looking forward to Ethan begging to come here.  I may eat those words one day.  I wish I could have gotten a pic of the Star Wars Sand Crawler, but it was behind glass and had too much of a glare.  It was amazing though.  It should be for $300.  Holy Moly that is a ton of money for pieces of plastic.  

Aside from the outrageously priced tea, a couple of cute clothes for little man, I needed to purchase some new running shoes.  They had this one pair that I really wanted but again way too much money.  So I settled for these Nike Dual Fusion.  These suckers almost glow they are so bright.  I don't think a car will miss me on the road.  I will have to break these in at the gym when I meet my trainer next.  She had me climbing walls the last time we met. So much for my fear of heights.
Ah, what a long day.  It wouldn't have been so bad if we didn't have to tack on a 2 hour drive to the beginning and end of it.  Since I drove, I needed a pick me up before heading back home.  Chris hits the car and is usually out so I am on my own.  We couldn't find a Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts so Denny's it was for a cup of coffee and some breakfast for dinner.

Woh, woh...back it up.  I have to add in that we pulled into the E-Z-GO Cart store before heading out of town.  My husband has wanted a golf cart for a while now.  It stemmed from our neighbor up the road who putters up and down the streets chatting everyone up, taking their 8 yr old daughter for rides oh and how can I forget - collecting all the men of the neighborhood for Marty's (men drinking parties).   When we are ready to buy though, I have a feeling this will be what we go with.

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