Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Stroller Love

It finally arrived!  Our very first umbrella stroller.  I purchased this initially for our trip back home to Charlotte this summer but this may be a keeper for my car.  I have been using our Baby Jogger City Elite stroller in the car for any kind of mall trips.  Even though it is a full size 3 wheel stroller, it is a cinch to open and close.  This one I think will be a better size for maneuvering store isles.  Little man wasn't in a stroller kind of mood last night.

Look at all the cool features.  I really like the extendable sun shield.  Some strollers are pitiful when it comes to blocking the rays from little ones eyes.  
It has a leg rest for smaller ones who can't touch the foot pad.  Which seems to also make it more comfortable when you have it reclined.
Speaking of reclining, this was the main selling feature for me.  I like the fact he can nap in it while we are waiting at the airport or out and about.
I am super excited it has a cup holder included.  My Baby Jogger doesn't have one.  So this will make it great when zooming around the mall with my tall decaf caramel soy latte.
I will have to do a follow-up post to review the actual use of this baby.  I did push it up and down the street for a test drive and it felt great so far.  To be continued...

We had our first boo-boo this morning.  It was a little bit of mommy's fault.  We were walking to the bedroom and I took my hand away from his back for a second to brush my hair out of my face and he arched his back real hard and banged the side of the door jam with his noggin', poor baby.  Needless to say, he screamed for about 2-3 minutes until he got a little snack which calmed him down.
Then momma got the boo-boo bag from the freezer and it made it feel all better.  Well that and a little outdoor distraction with the flowers.  I couldn't get a great angle on it but it is on the right side of his head.  The little 1" red mark.  Awe, I feel horrible.

Maybe we will go for a little afternoon stroll in the new stroller to take his mind off it.

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