Thursday, June 19, 2014

My Changing Body - Pregnancy thru Postpartum

How exciting it is when you first find out your pregnant.  The fun part of a growing baby bump just consumes your thoughts or at least it did mine.  It was so hard for me to imagine my belly being huge, with a BABY inside.  I mean, I have been on this earth quite a few years and the only thing I could have pictured was the typical monthly bloat.  

It was amazing seeing how your body can stretch out of shape and provide a little nest for your growing baby.  I had every intention of being the healthiest I could be, especially since I am older and knew how much more work it would be to go back to normal.  With that said, I fell off the health wagon at the beginning of the 2nd trimester.  I stopped working out completely because I was just so paranoid since I was high risk and had so many miscarriage before.  That was my biggest mistake.  It was also my 2nd trimester when I had a strong aversion to vegetable or salads.  They didn't sound good and it made me queasy at the thought of it.  So my dissent into carbs, meats and later into my 3rd trimester SWEETS!  Ugh, I did keep up with my water consumption, prenatal vitamins and tried staying away from pure fat.  I can say if we decide on having another baby, I won't be so paranoid and I will most definitely remember how much I put on with the first.

You are probably wondering how much weight I gained throughout my pregnancy.  I started out 10 lbs heavier since I was going through a fertility specialist.  A combination of the medication and being told to eat fattier meats.  Anyways, I started at 135 lbs and upon being admitted to the hospital I weighed in at a whopping 192 lbs.  Yes, I gained 57 lbs! Crazy!  By 2 months postpartum I had lost 35 lbs just from delivery and breastfeeding.  In order for me to get back to my normal weight, I have 32 lbs to go.  Man those Rueben's and custards that went down so easy aren't sounding so great now.  

4 months postpartum
With the extra weight, I have basically banned photos being taken of me.  Somehow my dad seems to sneak some in here and there.  Deep down the vanity makes me feel rotten pretty rotten considering I did just give birth to a little adorable human.  So I guess I will keep a few to record my journey.

Here we go...about 2 weeks ago I hired a personal trainer.  I only meet with her 2 times a week so the other 5 days are up to me to fill.  That can be scary but I have been doing some Jillian Michael's videos and walking.  I am definitely looking forward to seeing a side-by-side photo of the before and after.

Stay tuned.

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