Friday, June 20, 2014

It's Friday! It's Friday!

Not that the days of the week really mean much to me anymore now that I stay at home.  Friday seems like any other day.  However, the differing part is that my honey will be home and can help watch little man so I can have some ME time.  So YAY for weekends!  

Until you are a stay-at-home mom you don't quite realize just how much of your time does not exist.  I'm sure some people think if you stay at home you get to lounge or watch TV.   That is not exactly how it happens.  If the TV is on, it will be on BabyFirst television, which is high color/contrast shows designed for infants and toddlers.   I can't lounge because I am on constant alert as to what he doing, is he breathing, entertaining him, oh and fitting in my work for my job.  The only time I can say is available to me is when he takes naps, which now that he is getting bigger, is getting shorter and shorter.

Today we decided to go on a Wal-Mart trip since he was fussing a bit.  He had his 4 month check-up the other day and got his shots.  I think he is feeling a bit cross from them.  You couldn't tell it by his happy face, but then again he smiles all the time.  Even when he is crying/fussing you can work at it and get a smile out.

But really, nothing works faster than a full belly of milk and a car ride.  It's amazing he slept through the crappy cart ride across the Wal-Mart parking lot.  He is such a good boy.  He was so quiet even after he woke up at the check-out line.

The one constant thing in the Levesque household on a Friday night is pizza night.  Now that I'm on a mission to lose baby weight, I don't indulge like I once did but I do have a little.  Ah... there it is, the Dominos Philly Cheesesteak Thin Crust Pizza.  YUM!  Yes, its not the best pizza in the world, but when you are in the middle of nowhere Missouri, it sure seems like the best.  
Talk about another smoking hot day.  As we munched our dinner, little Red was passed out on the table trying to stay cool.  Poor guy, I'm sure it stinks having all that hair.
The heat doesn't seem to be bothering the flowers.  My favorite ones are the hanging baskets on the back deck.  We really don't use the back deck since it was taken over by the cats and the fact it is too small to really do anything on it, but I still like it pretty.

 Little man is down for the count so I think I'll sneak in some TV time and maybe an ice cold Sam Adams.  I'm out of wine so beer it is.
Enjoy the weekend!

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