Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Progress is good

Ethan has been showing a lot of progress lately with building his little muscles.  He started out hating tummy time and he finally worked up to about 5 min without pitching a fit.  We really have been seeing a lot of new things he has started probably in the last week and a half.  From the new sounds he is trying to make, hand coordination and desire to sip a little water out of a sippy cup.
He seemed uninterested in anything except sitting up.   Whether you are on the floor with him, he's in your lap, etc he wants to sit up and see things.   He will let you know that too, Mr. Fussypants.  We thought the Summer Infant Super Booster Seat would give him just that while helping build his little back and stomach muscles.  He loved it.  If we have Baby First TV on he happily plays while watching it.  I understand some people view TV watching as a no-no for a child under 2.  I don't feel too bad letting him watch it though.  Baby First TV is not like the cartoon networks, its actually an educational teaching and I only let him watch about an hour a day of it.  Not all at once but in little increments.  
He is now starting to take interest in having you hold him up so he can stand on your lap and will bounce up and down.  So we thought it was time to get an exersaucer.  This is the Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Jumper.   Yet again another hit with little man.    Its amazing how fast these little guys grow.  
 Samson isn't too interested in what Ethan's doing.  He's taking his usual afternoon nap.
Wow, what a hot day it has been.  We tried going for a walk after dinner around 6:30 and it was just way too muggy.  You felt like you were melting.  So my husband hit up his stock pile of freeze pops while we watched some TV and let it cool down a bit more.  Ethan has shown more interest in our food lately.  Especially these brightly colored, cold sticks of sugar.   If I wasn't around I'm sure my husband would let him have some even though I have lectured about not letting sugars and junk into his little system.  I haven't even introduced solids yet.

My plan has been to breastfeed him until he is at least 6 months old.  However, since I have been working with a personal trainer, my milk supply is always a concern.  It would be so easy to just stop now so I could control my calories, he would probably sleep through the night and we could finally transition him to his crib.  Since he was about 3 months old we started co-sleeping.  That was about the time he outgrew the glider we had by the bed.   Co-sleeping just makes it so much easier with night nursing and I can keep a close eye on him.  I am a very light sleeper so I am constantly checking on him.   To my surprise, I feel like I get sleep even though it is broken up so much.   Its a lot better than having to get up and go to the nursery every time I need to feed.  I really don't know how this whole transition will go and let's be honest, I am not looking forward to it.  I love breastfeeding him and I think I will go into withdraws when the time has come.  :-(
Ah, finally it cooled off and the breeze was nice.  So we ventured out again for a walk.  Look how beautiful the sky was.  I'm not sure how those ray like things were made in the sky but I thought it was pretty neat.  Almost looks photoshopped by nature.

Okay, so what are some of your ideas on transitioning a little one to his crib while trying to ween from breatfeeding?  Agh! I want to stick my head in the sand about all this.  Do share tips that worked for you!

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