Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day Weekend in Branson

My parents were able to come down to spend a week with us and continue their spoiling of Ethan. Since Father's Day was approaching we decided last minute to take a trip down to Branson.  They have never been there before and we wanted them to see Lilley's Landinga cute little Resort and Marina on Taneycomo Lake.
I wish we would have spent more time at the pool than fishing :(
Chris got familiar with toting E around in the Moby Wrap one morning
The Taneycomo Lake is a cold water lake which is predominantly trout filled.  Which is perfect for fly fisherman like my hubs.  My dad and I aren't great with a fly rod so we stuck to the spinners.  The great thing about the cold water is no matter how hot the day gets, when your on the water it can be chilly especially when your moving along in the boat.  This also adds to the fog that has to burn off every day.  At night it reminds me of the show or movie back in the late 80s I think, what was it "The Fog" or something.  Anyways, it gives an eery feeling.
Morning Rays over the River
Dock at the Resort's Marina - Chris's drift boat
We decided to rent a pontoon since my mom is terrified of the water and the drift boat just wasn't going to work with her.  Little man loved it, he refused to nap and took in everything around him.
Getting ready to get on the pontoon
I think being on the water with his Dad will be a regular event 
Our last morning there we thought we should at least get the drift boat out and try for a fish again since the day before was no good.  The generators were finally shut down on the dam so the water was calm.  The day before the current was just way too fast.
Sam was helping spot things for Pops
Well, the fishing trip in Branson was a bust.  While we enjoyed the beautiful outdoors and relaxed, it was unfortunately an unsuccessful fishing trip.  I mean we tried from the time we got there, on the dock, from the rented pontoon boat, the drift boat but nothing.   So we refilled our tanks and headed home. Yeah yeah, I already told my trainer about it.
Danna's BBQ and Burgers in Branson, MO
We pass Bennett Spring State Park in Lebanon on our way home and my dad and Chris couldn't resist.  They wanted to make one last effort.   And as it goes, I didn't have my camera on me when Chris and my dad eventually caught one.  Figures.

Back home and exhausted, those 2 and half days felt like a week.  For Father's Day we were slow moving.  We all slept in a bit before indulging in a delicious lunch at Gordoz Steakhouse in Rolla.  Of course it wouldn't be complete without mounds of pies from A Slice of Pie.  Now the day is complete. :-)
Boston Creme Pie, Peanut Butter Lust Pies and a Lemon Meringue 
Slice of Pie Bakery in Rolla, MO
Oh it is so hard saying good bye to my folks when they leave.  I sure wish we lived closer.  Love you Mom and Dad!
Papaw, Nana, Ethan and I
I love you Mom and Dad!  Happy Father's Day Pops!

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