Behind the Scenes

Talk about a journey.  My path has covered many miles.   I'll save you the boring parts and just say I finally settled in Charlotte, NC after college and several stops in between when I left small town, Kentucky in my 20s.  A couple years went by and several failed relationships (what? it happens to us all) when I decided I needed to find a good guy and settle down., yes I typed that right, commercial came on and well why not I thought.  I sure wasn't meeting a guy at the supermarket like they all tell you.

Fast forward a couple years, two to be exact, and I married my match.

My oh my, we look so young here

We moved around some from Charlotte and eventually settled in Missouri in 2012 since my husband is in the military.  There isn't much going on out here in the "sticks" but I am actually enjoying nature and the 6, yes 6, ferrel cats that have adopted us and reside on our deck.  Did I mention I feed and shelter them quite well.  Marmalade, Gussy, Grey, Red, Blonde and Honey.  Original names huh? Ha!  I can say I will be heartbroken when we have to move in 2015.  Thankfully there is a cat whisperer in this neck of the woods that LOVES ferrel cats, she neuters them and also has created cat colonies on her land to shelter and feed them.  So I'm sure they will be in good hands even though they are thoroughly spoiled here.

Honey & Blonde
Our inside pets consists of one 13 yr old Samson I brought into the union and little Fenway we found 4 yrs ago during our travels.  Sammy has been with me through thick and thin, he is my best little buddy.

When we decided it was time for baby we experienced many sad moments along the way.  I ended up having 3 miscarriages before seeing a fertility specialist and welcoming this little guy into the world in Feb 2014.  We are so grateful for Dr. Wilshire in Columbia, MO for being a part of this little blessing.

Ethan right after delivery in Papaw's arms

Since having Ethan I started working from home since I can't fathom leaving him in daycare with STRANGERS! EEK!  And well we knew I would more than likely cave and stay home.  The great thing about what I do for a living is it can be done remotely.  I handle marketing for a local real estate company and the owner is absolutely the best.   He knew my life would change when this guy came into it, how right he was.  My background is in marketing but I have fallen in love with graphic design.  I have been teaching myself the ins and outs of Photoshop and other Adobe Software through online videos.   I want to take formal classes but there just aren't any close enough to where we currently live.  So its just Youtube videos for now.  Maybe at the next location.

In the meantime, I'm just trying to keep up with 2 furry kids, 1 fast growing human kid, wedging in work, and maintaining a happy military husband.

Thanks for stopping by!

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