Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Safety First

Bright and early this morning.  I was thinking I need to get Ethan on an actual sleep schedule.  Lately he hasn't gone to bed until roughly 10:00p.  He is EBF (Exclusively Breast Fed) and fed on demand so he doesn't sleep through the night like a formula fed baby does.   He wakes about twice a night to eat, sometimes three times.  He will take several naps during the day.  Some only 20-30 minutes, others longer.   I just love snuggling with this little guy.

We usually are up and about around 7:30a.  Little man was all kinds of spunky.  We played a little, walked around a little, watched some BabyFirst and kept an eye on the plumber that came to replace the outside water faucet.
We haven't used it since last summer and I turned it on over the weekend and the water pressure was weak.  Then all of a sudden water started pouring out from behind the siding.  Not good.  They actually had to cut a whole in the spare bedroom wall in order to gain access to it.  Sure enough it was a burst pipe.  I know we, and every one in the country for that matter, had an extremely cold winter.  We even tried to prevent this type of thing by placing insulated covers over the faucets.  Oh well, its brand new and up and running again.
While little man took one of his little cat naps, I was able to get an open house flyer ready for one of our agent.  This house is too cute.  It overlooks a small lake in a brand new subdivision.  If we had any intentions on living permanently in Missouri, I sure would consider purchasing it.

We are so excited about the new security system we had installed yesterday evening.  Vivint has a great summer deal going on in our area and it was too good to pass up.  They will install $2,000 worth of equipment - FREE - and all you have to do is sign a contract and pay $99 activation fee.  We LOVE it!!  It controls our thermostat, lights, locking and unlocking the front door and also a camera we can view at any time from our phone.  I can't tell you how many times I have been nursing or sleeping with little man and hubs will leave for work and accidentally leave the front door unlocked.  I can say that now because all I have to do is get my phone and lock the door.  Oh and when you're laying in bed and think "Did I turn the alarm on?" all we need to do now is check your phone and check and if need be turn it on.  LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

Another great aspect of it is when we are out and won't get home until late during the fall season and its dark out, we can turn the lights on or adjust the temperature for the dogs.  When we move next spring, we can leave the equipment here and after reaching our new home we just need to call Vivint and they will send a technician to put in the same equipment we had at our previous home - AGAIN FREE OF CHARGE!   Can you feel my excitement yet?

I would love to refer you!  I believe whoever I refer to Vivint will get the same deal we did.  You have to message me though if your interested and I will find out for sure.
Isn't technology so much fun!

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