Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Birthday America!

Happy 4th of July! This weather is still amazing me for July in Missouri.  It was a lazy day for both of us.  We didn't have any set plans to join up with anyone.  To be honest, we just haven't really established too many strong friendships since we have moved here.  Aside from several of Chris's good friends that are in the area that we have dinner with occasionally, we tend to entertain ourselves.  Which is alright by us for now.  I really miss our next door neighbor that moved to DC last year.  I guess that is the way it goes with military life.  They come and then they or you go. 
We didn't go and watch the fireworks anywhere since Ethan is still so small and I didn't want bug bites or the loud booms freaking him out.  Okay and I'm really really tired.  So we went for another stroll this afternoon and had some playtime indoors while I got a few things done that I just can't without Chris around to help out.

My brother got him this life-size jack russell dog and he giggled so hard playing with him.  Look how strong his muscles are getting holding him up all on his own.   We were talking with my brother and sister-in-law this morning.  They too have a little one only 3 months older than Ethan.  She got me thinking of scheduling Ethan's days.  Amelia has a schedule that they got her on and it is working out so well.  Ethan is such a good baby that I really haven't thought about it.  I mean I feed him on demand, which is usually every 3-4 hours.  And since he is breastfed he doesn't sleep through the night.  

I decided to start tracking his naps and feedings so I could see if he has put himself on a schedule.  I guess I have just always worked off of his cues to determine what he needed.  I understand methods that work for some babies may not work on others.   

What are your thoughts on putting babies on a schedule?  Does it matter if they are formula fed or breastfed?   
It wouldn't be a day off for Chris without an outing to Lowe's.  Then again when you are in a town that really only has a Lowe's and a Wal-Mart you find you spend quite a bit of time there.   Actually we had to get more birdseed.  Poor husband, he married an animal lover.
Can't have a 4th of July celebration without grilling out.  I decided to go all out for a bacon wrapped filet and a ribeye instead of the usual burgers and dogs.  I really did try and keep it healthy tonight but I seem to find a holiday as an excuse to go to Culver's and get some yummy custard to finish off the night.
A pic of the beautiful night sky and a bright crescent moon.  Little man is already sacked out so we are off to bed to get some zzzz too.  Yep, we are official fuddy duds.
Be safe this weekend.  When I was at the grocery there was A LOTTA liqueur being sold.

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