Friday, January 9, 2015

I'm Back! It's a New Year, New Start!

Oh man, talk about a hiatus.  I was suffering a serious creative block.  Well, that and raising lil man was and is my main priority.  However, I am finally starting to feel like routines are working well and he is soon to be 11 months so he is becoming a lot more independent in his playtime.  

I'm not sure how to go back and cover the lost time I was MIA.  Maybe a slideshow of him from the last 6 months might do the trick.  

Speaking of lil man, so much has changed.  He is getting so big!  Walking for starters.  He is still a bit wobbly but doing so great.  Just this week he started squatting down and picking things up and returning to a standing position.  Let's see, the words I can make out that he is saying so far are "Cat" and "Quack" a little bit of "Ma" but not quite there.  He understands what we are saying though.  You can say, "Ethan, where is the cat?" and he will go to the sliding glass door and say "Cat".  Or say, "Ethan, where is Da-da?" and he will either look or walk over to Dad.  We have now shut the doors to any rooms that are not baby proof and we let him practice his walking and explore by himself.  Before you leave me nasty comments, yes of course I keep an ear and eye on him and he usually is only doing drive-by's through the rooms.  When he goes to his room though and gets quiet I will check in and he is sitting in the floor with his books just looking through them.  We have a future book lover on our hands I do believe.   I really am amazed at how much he can entertain himself.
On to my creative block.  It feels like I hit these quite often.  Maybe its due to the fact I don't know where to begin sometimes or even what to draw.  I just can't seem to come up with anything original or I should I say something from memory.  

In December I came across this fantastic website that has definitely changed my approach to doodling.  The neat part is she lives an hour and 10 minutes from my house.   Stalker! Just kidding. Maybe. No seriously.  Anyways,  I really can relate to her earlier outlook of admiring everyone else's work she found online wishing she could be that cool.  I can't tell you how many hours I have spent surfing the net looking at anything sketch, drawing, doodle related and daydreaming about how cool it would be to do that.  I know God had blessed me with the ability to draw.  I have loved doing it since days in elementary school when I doodled through most of my class.   I just need to USE IT!   

Back to Crystal Moody's website, she read lots of books in her year of creative habits.  One book that caught my attention was Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon.  What an eye opener.  Steal, Steal, Steal! I never thought of it.   I have been approaching drawing the wrong way!  It was one of those moments where you say "what else have I been doing wrong?" Ugh.  I quickly ordered it and sat back and drank it in.  Refreshed and with a new approach I started the NewYear doing a drawing a day.  Well that is my goal.  Typically I do this in the evenings when lil man is asleep and I can kick my feet up.  Here are a couple of the ones I have done.
Inspiration came from an empty animal cracker container we gave to Ethan 
An Indian from the front cover of my husband's book "The Heart of Everything That Is" he received for Christmas

My hubby is a passionate fly fisherman and is always wanting me to draw some trout.  He picked this fly from one of his Fly Fishing Magazines he recently received in the mail.
Part of an ad for a stock photography site I found in my PRINT Magazine
Red-Breasted Merganser from the "The Audubon Society Field Guide of North American Birds" guide
Red Fox from the Missouri Conservationist Magazine
The Indian was a nice break from my typical doodles.  Pencil sketch and trying to get that realistic look by creating shadows and all can be a little overwhelming for me.  Once I was finished I was pretty pleased and felt a lot better about doing it.   Human faces are not easy for me, as you can tell by the stock photo drawing I did.  I should probably focus a little more on realistic drawings so I can feel more comfortable with them.

Okay, back to the wee one who is hanging on my leg.

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