Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Snots

Ethan has had a stuffy nose for probably two weeks now.  In the mornings it is really bad especially when he can't breathe to nurse.  I know kids are germ magnets and all but when does it go away?  I have to suck his nose out daily, I would do it twice a day if he didn't scream and thrash as if I was beating him.  I first use a nasal saline to loosen things up.  The stuff that comes out is sometimes cloudy white and thick and at times there are chunks of a yellowy-green snot.  I understand what they say about green snot and its sign of an infection.  However, the last time he actually had a cold and had this greenish colored snot I thought for sure it was an infection only to find out after a doctor's visit it was nothing but a cold.  Hence my hesitation to run back to the doctor.  By the way, I am also running a cool-mist humidifier every night.  He appears to be acting normal, so much so I caught him getting his groove on earlier.

Move It, Move It from Christine Levesque on Vimeo.

Hahah, I love this clip.  He is such a funny guy.  Anyways, another reason I think this muck should pass is that I too have to blow my nose in the mornings which is giving me the same production he has and I feel fine.  Is it winter allergies? Is there such a thing?  Are we inside too much because of the cold weather?  I need to get to the bottom of this.

As promised, here are the pics of the new backdrop flooring.  I LOVE IT!  That's it, I WILL order the backdrop tomorrow no matter what otherwise I'm going to end up waiting until it is too late.  I wish this house we are renting had this beautiful stuff throughout.  But I did some figuring and just to cover say 800 sq ft in the laminate flooring alone you are spending $8,500.   Man oh man, but does it make a difference though.

I will note that the planks are on a rug so they are not really lying flush at the moment
Here is another direct mail piece I have been working on.   Our management/marketing meeting is tomorrow and I need to get our next mailing artwork together to present.  I drained a chunk of ink on printing this one.  I feel bad saying this but I am looking forward to some adult time as strange as that sounds.   Lil man will have to go to daycare for the day.  Not that that is a bad thing, he needs to socialize, it just feels weird without him with me.

I haven't mentioned this yet, but I signed up for Ipsy back in December and I wanted to quickly say how much fun it is and how I love finding new products.

If you aren't familiar with it, Ipsy is a subscription box that you sign up for monthly or yearly.  This one is only $10/month.  You answer a questionnaire in the beginning and based on your answers they will hand select sample size and full size beauty products.  January is the first month I received my bag and this is what I received.

My favorite is the Mojito Lip Balm.  It has the sheen of a lip gloss and feels wonderful on my lips.  I am using the eye cream too since the lack of sleep is wearing on me.  Can't wait to see February's goodies.  If you love make-up like I do, I really recommend this subscription.  Seriously, you would pay $10 just for the brush alone at Sephora.

On to the end of the day drawing.  Ethan has a book his daddy got him called "Trout, Trout, Trout - A Fish Chant" by April Pulley Sayre and the illustrations by Trip Park are amazing.  I may do several more from this book over the next couple of days.  They are fun to do.
Image from Trout, Trout, Trout - A Fish Chant by April Pulley Sayre
Its 9:15 and I'm starving and exhausted.  The last few nights I just have not slept well.  Maybe if I hit the sack now, I won't think of my grumbling belly and I'll get some better zzzzz's.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

My TO-DO List is Out of Control

I'm really starting to think I need an assistant and a nanny with all of the things I need and want to get completed in the next two weeks.  I'm not complaining though, I love, love, love my job and being a stay-at-home mom.   Plus, I can do all of this from the comfort of my sofa while little man chucks his toys over the stairwell gate.
Yes, you read the first line correctly, we will be moving in June.  Since this is the wonderful world wide web with a few off kilter individuals surfing through it, I will reference said location as "Moss City".   One second, I need to scream this.  I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE CHANGE!!  We have lived the last 3 years in what I would consider isolation.  And by that I mean, only a Wal-Mart and 15 Chinese and Mexican Restaurant options.  I'm sure people in Siberia are laughing at me and I'm okay with that.  On to more important issues, I need to see if the new locale has any Ethiopian restaurants.  If so, I might just change its pseudonym from Moss City to Paradise.  HA!  

Seriously though, let's get some of these To-Do's marked off.  I have purchased a bundle of laminate flooring for the backdrop.  It is gorgeous.  I have no idea why I haven't done some test shots with it already.  I need to do this tomorrow if it is sunny out.  I like the natural light coming in the windows.
Pergo Manor Hickory
I also purchased a baseboard so all I need now is the backdrop.  Here is the look at what I am going for.   As I mentioned in my last post, I am hesitant on paying $50 bucks for it even though I think it will be perfect and can be used multiple times as he gets older.   Maybe I should just do some more research on more affordable options.

I almost forgot, I did purchase the IKEA white children's table with plans to shorten the legs.  Looking forward to it arriving.  I sure hope it really is solid pine like the website said.

The birthday decor needs to get started ASAP before we travel to Moss City for a look about.    My hubs thinks I'm silly about all of this birthday hubbub since only my parents will be here for it.  I think his exact words were "When I turned one it was just a highchair and a cake, done".  That's great and all back then, but now a days you have to make a production out of it, at least for the photos.  Memories on print I told him.  He still thinks Ethan is going to care less and he may be right but I want my gold star for parenting.  Ah, the things that drive us.

We did get out of the house for a change and went to the park for the Martin Luther King Holiday.  It was a sunny day here and I think it actually got up in the 60's or at least it sure felt like it.   This was Ethan's first time at the playground.  

Sacked out after a long day of exploring.

Unfortunately, I have skipped quite a few days of drawing lately, but I am happy that I have continued to get some doodles in every week.  My goal is to do a drawing daily but with an 11 month old, I will gladly accept only getting in one or two a week.
Images from Dahlov Ipcar's Maine Alphabet Children's Book
Now back to researching the move.  Good night all!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

DIY Weekend Project

As mentioned in my last post, Ethan has really taken a liking to books.  Whether it's when we are reading to him or when he's sitting in his room by himself flipping through them.  He really can entertain himself with them for quite some time.  

Anyways, he also has an abundance of stuffed animals everything from raccoons to a sock monkey.  The other day I had an idea.  I thought it would be fun to put his stuffed animals around a table stacked with books, kind of like a tea party.  The picture of it in my head looked good.   So I spent the last two days scouring the internet for the perfect table and chairs for his room.  I have one small obstacle and when I say small I am talking about lil man.  He is roughly 28" tall right now and all of the tables on the market are 20" tall.  I get it, most tables and chairs are meant for 2-3 yr olds but I just can't wait.  

Here are a couple of the ones I really think are cute.  The two sets are ones I would get that would be on the big side but he could grow into.  The coffee table from IKEA is 18" tall so it would actually work a lot better.  The stacking chairs come as short as a seat height of 10" so that would be better but still high.  

If I want to get good use out of a table now, I have two options.  One option would be to get the IKEA table and cutt the legs down several inches before assembling it.  The website states that it's made of solid pine so I think it can be done and its only $39.00 so it wouldn't be that big of a loss if I completely mess it up.   This would give him a small table for right now so he could stand beside it and look through his books.

My other option would be to hit up Lowe's and get some MDF and put one together this weekend.  It sounds simple enough.  I mean if my husband can make cornhole boards all summer then this should be cake, right? Plus it would be fun to sand and paint.  

Before I go any further I want to sneak this in.  Some sweet snuggle time with lil man this morning.

Ok back to what I was saying, so many things to do.  I also want to put together the indoor photography backdrop and flooring for Ethan's 1st birthday smash cake shoot.  I found several How-to's on Pinterest.  I like the easiness of the vinyl wood flooring idea but for a more realistic look they suggest getting some unfinished wood planks that come in packages and simply staining them myself.  The floor portion doesn't seem to complicated or pricey which is great because I have been searching for just the right backdrop for several days now.  I found one on a site called  She really has some great backdrops but the cheapest one is a 5'x5' on polypro for $50.  Now if I was a photographer and used it for my business the cost would not be a big deal but I'm struggling with the idea of paying that his birthday pics.   The name of the one I like is "Blue Grey Grunge".   I love the fact each backdrop has a sample pic or two from photographers that send them in after purchasing the backdrops and using them in their studio.  To be honest, the picture below looks just like how I envision the one I want to put together, down to the color of the wood floor. We'll see how close I can get it. 
Finally, last night's drawing.  The colors are off from the original but I didn't have the right markers so I just had fun with it.  I would have done another one tonight but I haven't had a lot of time today since lil man has been on a needy kick lately.  He use to be like this in previous months when he was going through growth spurts so I'm not sure if that is the case or not.  
Article titled "Kid's Covers Have Grown Up" in PRINT Magazine
I hear lil man crying, gotta go.  Good night.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

When Work is Fun

I am a little bummed that I didn't take the time to draw over the weekend.   However, the new year means working on some new material for work but since I get to be just as creative with work as I do my hobbies, its a win, win.  I began my whole work-from-home situation probably a month or so before lil man arrived which has been a year this past December.   Wow, seriously, WOW!  I haven't even begun to put things together for Ethan's 1st birthday which is next month.  Not that we have met a slew of friends since we have lived here.  That's okay, Nana & Papaw will come down and for pictures I do plan on doing some decorations.  Not to mention, I need to test some healthy smash cake alternatives.   I need a TO-DO list.

Here are a couple thoughts on his 1st Birthday look and feel.  Remember, its mainly for photos since its just the fam.  I think I can get it to all come together.  I hope.

Okay, put Ethan's birthday decor on the back burner for a minute.  We are doing some new advertising for our new branch office and this is the most recent piece I have done.  I still have several other things to get started but this is what I worked on, on and off, this past weekend.  Saturday was a bust since the Patriots were playing and hubs had a work event to go to.

These guys have the sweet life.  They kept an eye on lil man's movements for me.  

A quiet moment when he stops and gets absorbed in something on TV.  Strange but I think it was football.  Uh oh, it starts this early?  Geez.  He must make his daddy so proud.
Alright before I pass out from lack of sleep, here is my drawing for the day. Oh and I want to add, I use the Honest Company for Ethan's diapers since Day 1.  I have slowly progressed to the laundry detergent, then shampoo and now onto the Mult-Purpose Cleaner and Stain Remover.  I am not paid or supplemented by The Honest Company in any way, shape or fashion.   I LOVE the smell of this cleaner.  It is a light grapefruit aroma that is devine.  I mean, I can't remember the last time I used a cleaner and was like...ahhh that smells great.  Made without all of the bad stuff is the cherry on top.  I can see my product purchases broadening with them in the near future.

Picture from an article in HEALTH Magazine
Little man is stirring, so goodnight.

Friday, January 9, 2015

I'm Back! It's a New Year, New Start!

Oh man, talk about a hiatus.  I was suffering a serious creative block.  Well, that and raising lil man was and is my main priority.  However, I am finally starting to feel like routines are working well and he is soon to be 11 months so he is becoming a lot more independent in his playtime.  

I'm not sure how to go back and cover the lost time I was MIA.  Maybe a slideshow of him from the last 6 months might do the trick.  

Speaking of lil man, so much has changed.  He is getting so big!  Walking for starters.  He is still a bit wobbly but doing so great.  Just this week he started squatting down and picking things up and returning to a standing position.  Let's see, the words I can make out that he is saying so far are "Cat" and "Quack" a little bit of "Ma" but not quite there.  He understands what we are saying though.  You can say, "Ethan, where is the cat?" and he will go to the sliding glass door and say "Cat".  Or say, "Ethan, where is Da-da?" and he will either look or walk over to Dad.  We have now shut the doors to any rooms that are not baby proof and we let him practice his walking and explore by himself.  Before you leave me nasty comments, yes of course I keep an ear and eye on him and he usually is only doing drive-by's through the rooms.  When he goes to his room though and gets quiet I will check in and he is sitting in the floor with his books just looking through them.  We have a future book lover on our hands I do believe.   I really am amazed at how much he can entertain himself.
On to my creative block.  It feels like I hit these quite often.  Maybe its due to the fact I don't know where to begin sometimes or even what to draw.  I just can't seem to come up with anything original or I should I say something from memory.  

In December I came across this fantastic website that has definitely changed my approach to doodling.  The neat part is she lives an hour and 10 minutes from my house.   Stalker! Just kidding. Maybe. No seriously.  Anyways,  I really can relate to her earlier outlook of admiring everyone else's work she found online wishing she could be that cool.  I can't tell you how many hours I have spent surfing the net looking at anything sketch, drawing, doodle related and daydreaming about how cool it would be to do that.  I know God had blessed me with the ability to draw.  I have loved doing it since days in elementary school when I doodled through most of my class.   I just need to USE IT!   

Back to Crystal Moody's website, she read lots of books in her year of creative habits.  One book that caught my attention was Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon.  What an eye opener.  Steal, Steal, Steal! I never thought of it.   I have been approaching drawing the wrong way!  It was one of those moments where you say "what else have I been doing wrong?" Ugh.  I quickly ordered it and sat back and drank it in.  Refreshed and with a new approach I started the NewYear doing a drawing a day.  Well that is my goal.  Typically I do this in the evenings when lil man is asleep and I can kick my feet up.  Here are a couple of the ones I have done.
Inspiration came from an empty animal cracker container we gave to Ethan 
An Indian from the front cover of my husband's book "The Heart of Everything That Is" he received for Christmas

My hubby is a passionate fly fisherman and is always wanting me to draw some trout.  He picked this fly from one of his Fly Fishing Magazines he recently received in the mail.
Part of an ad for a stock photography site I found in my PRINT Magazine
Red-Breasted Merganser from the "The Audubon Society Field Guide of North American Birds" guide
Red Fox from the Missouri Conservationist Magazine
The Indian was a nice break from my typical doodles.  Pencil sketch and trying to get that realistic look by creating shadows and all can be a little overwhelming for me.  Once I was finished I was pretty pleased and felt a lot better about doing it.   Human faces are not easy for me, as you can tell by the stock photo drawing I did.  I should probably focus a little more on realistic drawings so I can feel more comfortable with them.

Okay, back to the wee one who is hanging on my leg.