Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day at Nana & Papaw's

I decided to take Ethan back home to Kentucky to see Nana & Papaw, meet his uncle and cousin and my church family from childhood.  Last time we saw my parents was at the hospital when they came up to help out when I had Ethan.  It was such a relief having my mom help out around the house with cooking and cleaning.

My hometown is only about 4 hours and say 15 minutes from my home so I wasn't to concerned with Ethan traveling.  I knew we would have to pull over for snack time.   He really is such a good traveler right now since all he does is sleep.  Ha! I need to enjoy that while it lasts.

We made it!
It felt special having Ethan in the home I grew up in.  Nana couldn't wait to get him out on her swing in the mornings. The weather was perfect for Memorial Day weekend.  Pops and I went and walked the new river walk every morning like we did when I was living there while Chris was in Iraq.   

Its kind of funny now, I use to want to get far, far away from Kentucky when I was growing up.  I swore that I was born in the wrong town, the wrong state.  I knew I was meant to be in a larger city.   Well, I guess when you have lived in different cities, grown up and have a child your whole way of thinking changes.  Those small towns seem cozy and comfortable.  Like Nana's warm apple pie.

Downtown Henderson KY River walk 

We decided to take my nephew to the Audubon State Park every evening for a walk.  I have been coming here since I was a kid and it just doesn't get old.  They have these beautiful Peony bushes all around the museum.  The Peony is what made up my bouquet when we got married.  This has to be my favorite flower.  Just gorgeous!

Audubon State Park Trail

Audubon State Park Museum
And you can't come home to a Nana & Papaw visit without a fire.  It was a great evening for it.  It was cool and had been an overcast day.  This was little man's first fire and I'm sure this will not be his last.  I do think he was more fascinated with my roasted marshmallow than the fire itself.  One day little guy, one day.

What a great visit.  We got to see everyone, even my best friend from childhood Heather.  Wish I had of taken a pic that day, I must have spaced out.  :( Well next time Heather, for sure.  

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