Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Joys of Breastfeeding (snicker, snicker)

Yes, that was a little sarcasm.  I want to start out by saying Congratulations to all your momma's who were able to stick it out and breastfeed your little one.  I say that because in my experience it truly is an accomplishment.

Please know you are NOT a failure if you have to stop breastfeeding.  Breastfeeding is tough in the beginning and for many women they are just not able to do it.  If you are capable of doing it and are stubborn, or as I like to say strong-willed, then my story may help lift your spirits and help you push on.

In the beginning, I struggled daily with pushing through it.  When he first latched on at the hospital, it just did not feel natural it was painful.  All that I have read stated that if it is painful then the latch is wrong.  Every day I assumed the latch was all wrong and after calling the lactation consultant to my room several times, all I kept hearing was "the latch is perfect, you are doing great" WHAT?!, Then why does my nipple feel like a piranha just attacked it and left it mangled.  I cried and cried every time I knew he needed to eat, which was and still is every 2 hours.   They told me to keep nipple cream on after every feeding and it will help.  I was faithful with this and truly believe it kept them from bleeding.

Before I forget, when you are incredibly engorged, I mean rock hard, in the first few days and weeks...pump, pump, store, store!!  Looking back if I would have stored all of that milk, man oh man I would be sitting with a pretty hefty stock.  Unfortunately,  I was more concerned with my aching nipples.  While pumping was easier at the time than him latching on, I just wasn't in the right frame of mind.  Pain really messes with your thinking.  So I resorted to cabbage leaves, ice packs and warm showers to help the pain of engorgement.  Let's be honest, the pain of engorgement is second fiddle to my poor nipples.  Take my advice though, save that precious milk as much as you can in case you need to stop nursing you will have a nice little stock pile.

Anyways, when packing my hospital bag I searched out the best nipple cream.   I am a big believer in not using harsh ingredients on my skin, let alone on a part of me that my child will have his mouth on and ingesting.  I read countless labels and finally found Earth Mama's Nipple Butter and decided to give it a go.  I highly recommend this product to go in any new momma's hospital bag.  It has many soothing natural plant butters, including cocoa butter gives it a food smell instead of an ointment smell like other brands.  They also have a baby lotion that smells heavenly, but I'll discuss that in another post on my fave baby items.

At 2 weeks postpartum, I sat in the nursery and broke down in a full on waterfall of tears and choking gasps.  I could not go on...I had bruised and scabbed nipples and every time he latched on I had to bite my lip and beat my leg into the floor to absorbed the insane pain that I felt.  That night I told myself no more, I have to stop!  This was also echoed by my poor hubby who couldn't stand watching me in that pain one more day.  

While lying in bed trying to get my head straight on how I was going to do this transition to formula and if I could actually go through with it, God whispered to me.   God was leading me to reach out to the forums on the internet.  After searching for momma's who had similar experiences,  the screen on my phone was flooded with their stories.  FINALLY, the truth!  Pain doesn't mean you have a wrong latch, it just means you are breastfeeding for the first time in YOUR LIFE and it FREAKING HURTS!   Yes, Yes, I'm not the only one!!  Why on earth doesn't the lactation people just tell you "Hey it sucks and you will be in excruciating pain for the first 2-3 weeks".   Anyways, all of the other momma's were in a general agreement that if you could make it to week 3, it will get better.   Determination set in.  I wiped my tears and told my hubby "I'm doing this no matter what! Its 2 weeks pp and if I can take the pain this long I can last one more week".   

I am so thankful that God laid it on my heart to search out other mom's.  I made it to week 3 and they were right, it did get better.  It seemed like the pain kept dissipating.  It is now week 4 pp and I am starting to feel like a well oiled machine.  Sort of.   The pain is completely gone and I actually am enjoying it.  Eek! Did I just say that.  YES, I feel closer to him and I'm actually sad at the thought of weening him one day

   Awe so sweet!

 1 month old

My current plan is to nurse him until he is 6 months old but honestly I could go longer and may.  Nothing is set in stone at this point.  NOTE:  It is important to let other new momma's know that at some point, its different for every woman, but your breast will adjust to the milk production your baby needs.  When this happens, your breasts go down a bit or a lot and you won't have the engorgement like you once did.  Oh  and you will absolutely think, crap, is my milk production going down.   The answer is no, not necessarily.  As long as your baby is continuing to gain weight, then all is well and your breasts are simply adjusting  Be thankful your boobs aren't as enormous as they were after deliver.   With that said, it is crucial that you keep your water intake and healthy food levels up.   I try and take in 80oz of water a day.  Keep in mind, everyone's body is different, there are some ladies that drink a lot more.  If you are like me at some point after delivery your appetite might decrease quite a bit.  You still must force yourself to eat and eat healthy foods.  Skimping just because your not hungry will hurt your milk supply for sure.  Your body needs fuel to keep up.     

I gave this advise to my girlfriend who had her second baby two months after I did and was hoping go longer than 4 weeks breastfeeding than she did with her first child.  Her issue before was her milk supply just dried up.  Well after keeping her water and food in check, she later texted me said "hey my milk is doing great! Thanks!"   

Drop me a line if you have any questions ladies.  I would be more than happy to be a cheerleader for you!  I am forever indebted to those nameless women out there who unknowingly cheered me on during a time that many new mommas' also struggle through.